29 Apr The Most Important Time of the Year.

While working at another institution, I was asked to speak at a civic club about athletic training and what it is I do. At the end of my presentation a question was asked “What is the most important time of year for you?” I replied that I was working with the football program and for our Strength Coach and we were in the midst of working in the most important time of the year right then. We were in winter conditioning which was “The most important time of the year” to have everybody healthy and participating because “we just lost our seniors and this is when we start to see who steps up to be our new leaders and we need everybody out there every day.” We needed to have everyone healthy throughout winter conditioning because our winter conditioning leads directly into spring practice which is “The most important time of the year” because our coaching staff had made some position changes and “We are searching to figure out who can perform now that we don’t have our senior class anymore.” Spring practice led us into “off-season” conditioning for the rest of spring which was “The most important time of the year” as our coaches had “identified those that had a specific need to get better and stronger and need everyone out there every day to accomplish this.” This “Off-Season” program led us into summer conditioning which I was told was “The most important time of the year” because our “incoming players are joining us and we need to make sure that they participate every day if possible so that they can get ready for fall camp.” From Summer conditioning it went to fall camp and pre-season practice which is “The most important time of the year” as “We need everyone healthy enough to get ready for the regular season”, which as “The most important time of the year” is understood because without success in the regular season you don’t get into the post-season which is “The most important time of the year” as you play for greater glory and without achieving post-season play, you start winter conditioning sooner which all now know is “The most important time of the year”.

The scenario plays out regardless of sport and the calendar really plays no part in our busy and “most important time of the year”.

Michael P. Sandago MA ATC SCAT

Sandy PicAssociate Athletic Director for Sports Medicine

USC Upstate



  • Dennis O'Connor
    Posted at 08:03h, 02 May

    I have been running for the last year and a half. I am 56 years of age and have struggled with the energy levels on my run. This past weekend I participated in the New Jersey Marathon, running the 5k and my wife running the half marathon. I was introduced to your product at the Expo and was impressed by the sales staff. After using your product, my 5k was two minutes faster and I felt GREAT!!!. My wife an elite runner, also used your product and stated she felt so much better, ranking 2nd in her age group. I also am a tactical instructor for a private training company. Endurance is essential and will be recommending your product.

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