XRCEL | #OutLast

By: Megan Evoe [video width="854" height="480" mp4="https://xrcel.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/8_Great_Fats_Endurance_Athletes_Should_be_Eating_480p.mp4" autoplay="true"][/video] For a period of time, the “non-fat” epidemic had many athletes running scared of any fatty foods, in fear that they would gain weight. Today, it’s time to turn your shopping carts around and head to your favorite fat...

By Scott DeFillipis - Professional Triathlete and Coach There are two types of athletes I get the most joy out of coaching…First are the first timers, those that simply want to complete an Iron distance triathlon. This is something that should not go unnoticed!  It is...